Embracing Oneness

A New Leadership Paradigm for Global Collaboration

“Oneness: is the recognition that; We are part of One Planet, and we are One Humanity! And unless we live with that Consciousness, and shape every moment of our production and consumption with that Consciousness; We are going to destroy ourselves.”

In our rapidly changing world, the need for effective collaboration to tackle global challenges has never been more urgent. To achieve this, we must transcend divisive tribal ideologies and passions, and embrace a new leadership paradigm grounded in the principle of “Oneness”. This paradigm shift begins with recognizing ourselves as global citizens, committed to the collective well-being of humanity and the planet.

Identifying as a global citizen is essential for advocating on global challenges. When we bring prejudices, biases, or tribal allegiances to the negotiating table, we undermine our collective purpose. 

Environmental and sustainability activists often champion social justice for specific oppressed groups, but as advocates for justice and equity, we must prioritize sustainability. The simple truth is that if our planet is destroyed, all of humanity is lost. Issues like racism, religious persecution, gender abuse, and ethnic cleansing become irrelevant in the face of environmental collapse.


'Coming Together is the Beginning: Staying Together is Progress, and Working Together is Success!

Those of us fighting for “Sustainability” must unite all oppressed groups to effect meaningful change. We must be cautious not to alienate supportive groups by clinging to tribal positions. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encompass human rights, social justice, and equity issues, providing a comprehensive framework for our advocacy. As sustainability advocates, we should promote inclusion by minimizing divisive language and embracing globally inclusive communication. Working together to save the planet will naturally foster a new social model free from racism, sexism, bigotry, and oppression.

A Personal Journey Towards Oneness

My personal evolution exemplifies the journey from a tribal mindset to oneness. As a young black man in North America, my initial experiences with social injustice were race-based. I faced overt physical and verbal abuse and systemic discrimination, fueling my passion for anti-racism advocacy.

When I was elected president of my union’s local, my perspective broadened. I realized that my responsibility was to all staff members, regardless of race or creed. I had to represent and advocate for colleagues who harbored racial prejudices against me. Prioritizing the well-being of all staff over my anti-racism agenda was a challenging but necessary shift.

Later in life, my commitment to social justice expanded to include all marginalized and oppressed groups. I focused on the effectiveness of our legal systems in delivering justice, recognizing that social injustice is a pervasive issue affecting various groups.

In recent years, it has become clear that climate change, global warming, and environmental degradation pose the greatest threats to our survival. Addressing these issues requires global collaboration, which can only be achieved in an environment of peace. Peace, in turn, necessitates seeing each other as equal human beings with equal rights to a safe and secure environment.

The only way to be an effective sustainability advocate is to adopt and demonstrate a mindset of oneness, promoting inclusion and collaboration. My journey of consciousness and mindset growth evolved with increased exposure and responsibility. This growth is accessible to anyone committed to continuous learning and prioritizing sustainability.


Challenges and the Path Forward

"Our ability to reach
Unity in Diversity will be the Beauty and the Test
of Our Civilization"

Individual biases and agendas often hinder collective and collaborative efforts. Successful collaboration requires that everyone is focused on the same objective and operating from the same mindset. Overcoming these challenges involves setting aside personal prejudices and embracing a broader, inclusive perspective.

In conclusion, embracing “Oneness” is crucial for effective leadership in addressing global challenges. By recognizing our interconnectedness and committing to collaborative, inclusive efforts, we can navigate the complexities of sustainability and social justice. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to lead with a consciousness of oneness, fostering a future where humanity and the planet thrive together.

Tony Redman

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