One constant theory amongst all advocates for socially responsible leadership, Philosophers, Sociologists and Pundits alike is that;  for human beings to survive we need Consciousness at the Leadership Level . The only academic discipline that addresses this arena is Spiritual Intelligence (SQ). 

Spiritual intelligence is a term used by some philosophers, psychologists, and developmental theorists to indicate spiritual parallels with IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient).

Danah Zohar coined the term “spiritual intelligence” and introduced the idea in 1997 in her book Re-Wiring the Corporate Brain

The term “Spiritual Intelligence” is not religious or faith-based. It is a conceptual part of humanity that encompasses “our perceptions of purpose, our principles, and our morals”.  Pursuing Spiritual Intelligence is about affirming your higher values.
In organizational settings, elements of spiritual intelligence can be applied to effectively address a range of issues including, diversity, conflict management, ethical conduct, team building, and leadership.                                                 

Howard Gardner, the originator of the theory of multiple intelligences, chose not to include spiritual intelligence amongst his “intelligences” due to the challenge of codifying quantifiable scientific criteria. Instead, Gardner suggested an “existential intelligence” as viable. However, contemporary researchers continue to explore the viability of Spiritual Intelligence (often abbreviated as “SQ”) and to create tools for measuring and developing it. So far, measurement of spiritual intelligence has tended to rely on self-assessment instruments, which some claim can be susceptible to false reporting.

Variations of spiritual intelligence are sometimes used in corporate settings, as a means of motivating employees, and providing a non-religious, diversity-sensitive framework for addressing issues of values in the workplace.

According to Stephen Covey, “Spiritual intelligence is the central and most fundamental of all the intelligences because it becomes the source of guidance for the others.

“Organizations that place value on Social and Environmental Responsibility would benefit from SQ Development programs. Developing a higher level of consciousness will lead to policies and decisions that are compatible with Sustainability and Peace.

From an Individual perspective, Spiritual Intelligence(SQ) development is a journey of personal growth. Seeking our relevant purpose in life, by understanding ‘self’ and aligning our decisions and actions with our beliefs and values.
SQ exercises are applied in corporate settings as a means of galvanizing employees; promoting an inclusive, diversity-sensitive environment, and addressing issues of ethics and morals in the workplace.

The development of one’s Spiritual Intelligence should improve one’s ability to align decisions and behavior with one’s core values and beliefs.  Resisting temptation, making fair and just decisions, and guiding others on the right track are the expected outcomes for individuals who sincerely want to live righteous lives.

Tony Redman.

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